国籍: 中国
联系电话: 18800468135
导师类型: 硕士生导师
性别: 女
毕业院校: 哈尔滨工业大学
学位: 工学博士
email: liugaige@126.com
所在单位: 土木与交通学院
职称: 讲师
办公地址: 土木与交通学院
最高学历: 博士研究生
拼音: liu gai ge
[1] Xiangkun Li, Ziyi Lu, Baoli Wu, Hongwei Xie, Gaige Liu*.. Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes removal in biological aerated filter.. Bioresource Technology, 2024, 395: 130392., .
[2] Gaige Liu, Xiangkun Li*, Xiaochen Ma, Linli Ma, Hongying Chen. Hydrolysis and decomposition of waste activated sludge with combined lysozyme and rhamnolipid treatment: Effect of pH. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 293: 122074, .
[3] Gaige Liu, Xiangkun Li*, Linli Ma, Xiaochen Ma, Hongying Chen. Enhancement of excess sludge hydrolysis and decomposition by combined lysozyme and rhamnolipid treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289: 121703, .
[4] Gaige Liu, Ke Wang, Xiangkun Li*, Linli Ma, Xiaochen Ma, Hongying Chen. Enhancement of excess sludge hydrolysis and decomposition with different lysozyme dosage. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 366, 395-401.
[5] Xiangkun Li, Hongwei Xie, Gaige Liu*, Ruijun Zhang, Xiaochen Ma, Hongying Chen. Optimizing temperature for enhancing waste activated sludge decomposition in lysozyme and rhamnolipid pretreatment system. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 341: 125868, .
[6] Xiangkun Li, Hongwei Xie, Yujie Sun, Furong Liu, Yingjun Yang, Gaige Liu*, Kejing Wang*.. Hydrolyzation characteristics of waste actived sludge and antibiotics release when improved with alkyl polyglycoside.. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10: 107552, .
[7] Rui Huang, Tongyang Meng, Gaige Liu*, Shanshan Gao, Jiayu Tian.. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in membrane bioreactor: Effect of dissolved oxygen.. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 323: 116183, .
[8] Yujie Sun, Xiangkun Li*, Hongwei Xie, Gaige Liu*.. Removal of pollutants and accumulation of high-value cell inclusions in heavy oil refinery wastewater treatment system using Rhodopseudomonas and Pseudomonas: Effects of light intensity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430: 132586, .
[9] Gaige Liu,Xiangkun Li*, Runjun Zhang, Xiaochen Ma, Hongwei Xie. Enhancing the decomposition and volatile fatty acids production of excess sludge: Synergistic pretreatment by endogenous lysozyme and rhamnolipid. Fuel, 2022, 323: 124233, .
[10] Xiangkun Li, Yingjun Yang, Gaige Liu*, Doudou Sun, Xiaochen Ma.. Enhanced nitrogen removal at low temperature with mixed anoxic/oxic process. Water Science and Engineering, 2023, 16(1), 67-75.