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[2] Xia Li1,2;
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[4] Li, Xia1;Xiao, Yuewen1;Zhao, Xiaodong1;Ma, Xinwei1;Wang, Xintong2;. Modeling mixed traffic flows of human-driving vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles considering human drivers cognitive characteristics and driving behavior interaction. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 609 , .
[5] Xia Li1,2;
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[7] Zhu, Minqing1; Shi, Peng2; Cui, Hongjun2; Li, Xinye2; Ma, Xinwei2 . Modeling the Travelers Route Choice Behavior under Unexpected Accidents. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023, 2023 , .
[8] Mengting Guo;Yang Bai;Xia Li;Wei Zhou;Chunyang Wang;Xinwei Ma;Huixin Gao;Yuewen Xiao. Freeway capacity modeling and analysis for traffic mixed with human-driven and connected automated vehicles considering driver behavior characteristics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, , 128894.
[9] Li, Xia1;Xiao, Yuewen1;Zhao, Xiaodong1;Ma, Xinwei1;Wang, Xintong2,3;. Modeling mixed traffic flows of human-driving vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles considering human drivers' cognitive characteristics and driving behavior interaction. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2023, 609 , .
[10] Xia Li1,2;
1 ;Yuewen Xiao1,3;2 ;Xiaodong Zhao1,4;3 ;Xinwei Ma1,5;4 ;Xintong Wang6,4;CA 5 . Modeling mixed traffic flows of human-driving vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles considering human drivers\' cognitive characteristics and driving behavior interaction.. Physica A, 2023, 609 , 128368.