国籍: 中国
联系电话: 18822231917
导师类型: 硕士生导师
性别: 男
毕业院校: 哈尔滨工业大学/比利时荷语鲁汶大学
学位: 工学博士
email: zrjhebut@126.com
所在单位: 土木与交通学院
职称: 副教授
学科: Civil Engineering
办公地址: 西教六
最高学历: 博士研究生
拼音: zhang rui jun
[1] Zhang, Ruijun1;Sun, Qianzhi1;Tian, Jiayu1;Van der Bruggen, Bart2;Zhu, Junyong3. Non-polyamide nanofiltration (NPA-NF) membrane: A non-mainstream but indispensable member of the "membrane family". DESALINATION, 2023, 564 , .
[2] Zong,Yue1;Su,Song2;Zhang,Ruijun1;Sun,Yan3;Tian,Jiayu1;Van der Bruggen,Bart4;. Promoting the efficiency of tetracycline removal from tap water with commercial NF membranes via a facile post-treatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, , .
[3] Zong,Yue1;Su,Song2;Zhang,Ruijun1;Sun,Yan3;Tian,Jiayu1;Van der Bruggen,Bart4;. Promoting the efficiency of tetracycline removal from tap water with commercial NF membranes via a facile post-treatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, , .
[4] 田家宇1;,于然1;,赵兴蕊1;,韩正双2;,闫慧敏2;,张瑞君1;. 纳滤膜类型对碳酸盐型苦咸水脱盐效能的影响. 水处理技术, 2023, 49 9, 34-38,52.
[5] 张瑞君,田家宇,高珊珊. 基于工业水处理课程顶层设计的高校课程思政建设探索与实践. 高教学刊, 2023, 9 25, 177-180.
[6] 田家宇1;,于然1;,赵兴蕊1;,韩正双2;,闫慧敏2;,张瑞君1;. 纳滤膜类型对碳酸盐型苦咸水脱盐效能的影响. 水处理技术, 2023, 49 9, 34-38,52.
[7] 张瑞君,田家宇,高珊珊. 基于工业水处理课程顶层设计的高校课程思政建设探索与实践. 高教学刊, 2023, 9 25, 177-180.
[8] Zhang, Ruijun1; Zhu, Wenqian1; Tian, Jiayu1; Gao, Shanshan1; Van der Bruggen, Bart2 . D (+)-Glucosamine (DGA) based polyesteramide TFC NF membrane for the pretreatment of reverse osmosis seawater desalination. Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 683 , .
[9] Zong, Yue1; Zhang, Ruijun1; Gao, Shanshan1; Tian, Jiayu1 . A review on the pressure-driven thin film composite (TFC) membranes with special stability for desalination. Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2023, 42 4, 2058-2067.
[10] Zhang, Ruijun1; Zhu, Wenqian1; Tian, Jiayu1; Gao, Shanshan1; Van der Bruggen, Bart2 . D (+)-Glucosamine (DGA) based polyesteramide TFC NF membrane for the pretreatment of reverse osmosis seawater desalination. Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 683 , .